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Remember ... the longer the quote, the larger the .wav  file,
Which means ... the longer you have to wait to hear the quote. 
Your patience will be worth the wait!!

TopperAdjourn.wav - I move we adjourn. I second the motion. Aye. Aye. Aye. Carried- Young/Grant

TopperAllWrong.wav - I should say so, though it's not my place, that everything is quite all wrong.- Mowbray

TopperBarking.wav - Barking, howling and biting permissible.- Grant

TopperBeehive.wav - I've got a beehive in my stomach, but don't mention it.- Young

TopperBeFunny.wav - After all these years, are you trying to be funny?- Burke

TopperBestFight.wav - Hey, ya know, this is the best fight we ever had.- Grant

TopperBlondeHeart.wav - Well, bless my blonde heart.- Shepard

TopperCantBe.wav - It can't be! It mustn't be.- Young

TopperCantBeDone.wav - It can't be done! I beg your pardon. I don't understand why it can't be done. Look, try it. You try writing your name upside down and backwards without stopping.- Grant/Young

TopperCantBeDoneSh.wav - It can't be done!- Grant

TopperCarhat.wav - Ohhhh! Look at my car! Look at my hat.- Bennett/Grant

TopperChangeSubject.wav - Ahh. Don't change the subject.- Grant

TopperChicken.wav - And then to run all over the platform like a, like a silly chicken. I didn't run like a silly chicken. I ran beautifully.- Burke/Young

TopperConventional.wav - What do you suppose is the conventional thing to do now? I don't know. We've never been conventional.- Grant/Bennett

TopperCop.wav - Oh, hush Marion. Who have you dug up now? I didn't dig him up. He dug us up. Make him go away. I can't, its a C-O-P. Oh, tell him we don't want any.- Grant/Bennett

TopperDayOff.wav - Yes well, then I think then perhaps you'd better take the day off. And do whatever you do do on your day off.- Young

TopperDithering.wav - You must be dithering.- Burke

TopperDontKnow.wav - I don't know.- Grant

TopperExcentricity.wav - Just a nervous eccentricity rather. It sometimes gets the better of me.- Young

TopperFatHead.wav - Oh, say anything that pops into your fat stupid head.- Young

TopperFriends.wav - Haven't you any friends?- Young

TopperFunny.wav - Say, that's funny.- Grant

TopperGetOut.wav - How do we get out? Honey. You slide in and they carry you out. Oh no!- Bennett/Grant

TopperGoAway.wav - He didn't know? Well, that's ridiculous. Nobody can go away and not know where they've gone. Nobody can.- Burke

TopperGoggling.wav - Stop goggling.- Young

TopperGoodDeed.wav - We gotta have him. He's our good deed.- Grant

TopperGP.wav - Take my advice. Don't let her make a guinea pig out of ya. You'll never be the same again.- Grant

TopperGreatHelp.wav - Oh, that's fine. You're a great help.- Grant

TopperHash.wav - A fine hash you've made of things.

TopperHeyNoniNoni.wav - Tralala tralala. With a hay noni noni and a hoo hoo hoo.- Young

TopperJitters.wav - See! Since I quit drinking. No more jitters.- Grant

TopperLate.wav - Hold on there. Hold on. There's nobody in there. Maybe they're late. Maybe they're late. You see. You can't argue with him.- Cop/Grant/Bennett

TopperLifeShort.wav - Life is so very short and we get so very little out of it.- Young

TopperLook.wav - Can't you look where I'm goin?- Hotel detective

TopperMadeIt.wav - I made it!- Grant

TopperMakeLivin.wav - Ah. There must be an easier way to make a livin' than this.- Hotel Detective

TopperMiddleAged.wav - Don't you realize. We're middle aged.- Burke

TopperMiddleAgedLg.wav -Life is so very short and we get so very little out of it. Don't you realize. We're middle aged.- Young/Burke

TopperMistaken.wav - You must be mistaken.- Burke

TopperMostMen.wav - Do you realize that most men do not get chased out of the water like trained seals?- Young

TopperMummy.wav - Why don'tcha stop being a mummy for a few minutes and come to life. Of course there's nothing wrong in being a mummy if you had any fun getting that way. But I didn't you see.- Bennett/Young

TopperNinny.wav - Oh, don't be foolish. I shudder to think what kind of a ninny you'd make if you didn't have me to stop you.- Burke

TopperNo.wav - Nonononono- Young

TopperNoCents.wav - No sense- Grant

TopperNoSense.wav - And no cents. No sense. I just said that Mr Kirby. So did I.- Young/Grant

TopperOlieOlie.wav - Alie Alie Outs in Free- Bennett

TopperOnDuty.wav - Don't scare me like that. You know I'm a bundle of nerves when I'm on duty.- Hotel Detective

TopperOwnMind.wav - Well, I suppose you're old enough to know your own mind, but..- Burke

TopperPinkLady.wav - Oh, I've had a pink lady.-Grant

TopperPoorTopper.wav - Poor Topper. Poor Topper. Poor Topper.- Grant/Bennett/Young

TopperPrivateOffice.wav - Oh my goodness! She's gone into his private office.-Shepard

TopperPsst.wav - Psst. Don't pssst at me.- Shepard/Young

TopperPsstCute.wav - Go ahead and psst at him. I think it's cute.- Bennett

TopperPullApart.wav -Somehow I feel like if I could pull him apart I could put him together again and he'd work much better. Catch. Oooh.-Bennett/Grant

TopperRest.wav - My pet. Resting is the sort of thing you've got to work up to gradually. Umpf. 'Scuse me. It's very dangerous to rest all of a sudden.- Grant

TopperRunStocking.wav - And I got a run in my stocking.- Bennett

TopperSeeThroughU.wav - I can see through you too.- Grant

TopperShoot.wav - Okay, shoot.- Grant

TopperShutEyes.wav - Honey, do me a favor. What? Shut my eyes. Well, I'll shut your mouth.- Grant/Bennett

TopperSillyWord.wav - Oh Sparrows! Why do you use that silly word? Because you won't let me swear like a gentleman.- Young/Burke

TopperSituation.wav - That's the situation and the box it came in.- Bennett

TopperSoul.wav - His whole soul is crying out for self expression.- Bennett

TopperTalkSelf.wav - I refuse to say another word. I'm probably talking to myself anyway.- Young

TopperTalkToU.wav - Come here. I want to talk to you.- Grant

TopperTeeter.wav - Don't teeter Topper.- Grant

TopperTermites.wav - Something's biting the man. Eating him from inside. Maybe termites.- Bennett/Grant

TopperTime.wav - Yeah. Yeah. Look at the time. Look at the time. Yeah. Yeah.- Grant/ Restauranteur

TopperTiredSinging.wav - Maybe the poor man's tired. I don't know why he should be tired. We did all the singing.- Bennett/Grant

TopperTransparent.wav - Oh George. Hmm? You're getting transparent.- Bennett/Grant

TopperUnderstand.wav - You, you understand, don't you? Yes, I'm afraid I do.- Young/Bennett

TopperVulgar.wav - Please. Don't be vulgar.- Burke

TopperWhatNot.wav - You, you look like a 'what not'.- Burke

TopperWreckLives.wav - And I will do my part to save what little I can from the wreck you've made of our lives.- Burke

TopperYeah.wav - Yeah!- Grant

TopperYounger.wav - I think you grow younger every year. I'd rather grow younger every day.- Burke/Young

Constance Bennett (Marion Kerby), Cary Grant (George Kerby), Roland Young (Cosmo Topper), Billie Burke (Henrietta Topper)

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